Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Orange County, CA Trustee Sales

The Diamond Bar CA Real Estate Site has graciously made available foreclosure listings for Southern California counties.

For Orange County, the Foreclosure Detail Reports posted for the first two weeks of November (which actually deal with foreclosures recorded mostly in mid-July 2007) have 474 foreclosures listed.

Highlights broken down by beneficiary and number of foreclosures:

  • Countrywide Home Loans 64 (13.5%)
  • Washington Mutual 33 (7%)
  • Chase Home Finance 30
  • Deutsche Bank 25
  • HSBC Bank 22
  • US Bank 20
  • EMC Mortgage (subsidiary of Bear Stearns) 19
  • Saxon Mortgage 18
  • Option One 13
  • ...
  • Wells Fargo 10
  • Fremont 9
  • Indymac 4
  • Downey Savings 3
  • GMAC 2
  • Bank of America 2

Other bagholders were servicers such as Litton Loan Servicing (27) and Executive Trustee Services (26).

For Riverside County during the same short period back in July, here were the major "beneficiaries" of the Trustee Sales (804 total):

Countrywide 103 (12.8%)
WaMu 40
Option One 38
EMC 37
Deutsche Bank 36
Chase 29
US Bank 20
Wells Fargo 14
Fremont 14
Downey Savings 6

Same group of smart lenders it seems. Option One apparently likes the inland empire more than the OC. As for EMC, no wonder Bear Stearns is in trouble. And with all that garbage in Chase's portfolio, maybe JPM is a good short sale.


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