Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Meet the Next President of the United State of America

I just watched Barack Obama's speech after he won the Virginia, Washington DC and Maryland primaries tonight. Then I watched John McCain's speech. I sorta like McCain, I really do - but as a former Republican, I can honestly say, with 100% certainty, that the Democrats under Obama are going to destroy the Republicans in November...and they deserve to.

...and I do mean destroy - I'm talking 70%-30% or something like that. George McGovern will no longer hold the record for the worst Presidential ass-whuppin'. It's too bad McCain really doesn't deserve such an end, but so be it.

I would expect the usual Republican-style "Barack is an American-hating-Muslim-terrorist-lover-who-hates-our-flag-and-by-the-way-did-you-know-he-is-black" attacks to start shortly. Also I'm sure there'll be a few terror alerts in the coming months and maybe we'll attack Iran just for kicks (and to help the sickly economy). Remember, if you vote for a Democrat they'll put Osama Bin Laden on our postage stamps, and we can't have that.

Fortunately for America, however, there aren't enough toadie tools like Dennis Kneale and Larry Kudlow to swing the election. Also, quite fortunately (because after we've endured GW Bush, the Democrats could've won running Michael Jackson), Barack Obama is the kind of guy who talks about a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not the hate-filled red-state/blue-state divisive garbage that GW and the rest of us swallowed from Karl Rove the past 6 1/2 years.

We need this guy right now - after how horribly the Republican neo-cons and Shrub Bush have destroyed this nation's soul, we really need him now.


p.s. Ron Paul, I voted for you in the primary, since I'm still registered as a fascist, but it just wasn't your time.


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