Friday, September 19, 2008

Socialist America


Excerpt from the Market Ticker

"So let's add it up - thus far:

  • Housing "bailout" bill, $300 billion
  • "Stimulus checks", $160 billion
  • "Back door" bailouts done without Congressional authorization, including "hidden" loans that may never be repaid, such as Bear Stearns and "temporary" clearing loans to Lehman Brothers, about $100 billion (in total)
  • Treasury's plan to back money market funds, $50 billion
  • This new "bailout", $500 billion

Oh, and don't believe that $500 billion number.  Its a lie.  I have long maintained that we have about $2-3 trillion of bad housing-related debt involved, of which only $200-300 billion has been written off.

So there's still $1.7-2.7 trillion out there to be cleared in this mess and you are going to get charged for all of it unless you literally take to the phones and the streets right now - this weekend - and stop it.

This sort of election-year pandering is beyond outrageous; it is nothing other than government theft (from you) to bail out the pigmen of Wall Street who have robbed you blind for the last decade".



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